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구글 날씨의 대안책~!!!


구글 날씨가 막히고 나서.....

국내 및 해외 날씨까지 지원하는 api가 없어  

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아래 사이트 확인.....


라이센스 관련

We are open for partnership

OpenWeatherMap is startup that offers free current weather data, forecasts and history data to the developers of web-services and mobile applications. As a data source it uses official meteorological broadcast services, raw data from airports weather stations, raw data from radars, and raw data from official weather stations. All data are processed by unique mathematical algorithms that can provide precise online weather forecast data flow and different weather maps like clouds and precipitations. On above of that the service is focused on social aspect by involving owners of weather stations to connect them to the service to let weather data be more accurate.

We are seeking for investments to develop the OpenWeatherMap project in direction of data base increasing, new services development, and math algorithms enforcement.

The concept of OpenWeatherMap is to make weather data extremely accurate and free. By analogy with OpenStreetMap that make geographic information be public the OpenWeatherMap make weather data be public.

The OpenWeatherMap architecture is based on clouds technology and backup servers that can guarantee a reliability of the service.

자세한 사항은 아래 참조.....

